Bielefelder Kunstverein - Annual Editions - 2016
Once again in 2016, the Bielefelder Kunstverein is presenting exclusive editions available to its members. The choice of one-off pieces and limited editions by artists who were part of the exhibitions programme will be shown in an exhibition on the second floor for the very first time. The works by Adriano Amaral, Neïl Beloufa, Natalie Häusler, Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff, David Horvitz, Mounira Al Solh and Tobias Zielony will be complemented by editions of the last years.
Neil Beloufa, Cig Animal (I to V), 2016
Medium: 5 sculptures, Metal and paintSize: 11 x 14 x 10 cm each
Edition of 5 uniques
Price: €700 each
Members price: €600 each
All limited 2016 Annual editions are available at the Bielefelder Kunstverein