Gilbert & George – Ten X Commandments

Gilbert & George - Ten X Comandmends for Gilbert & George, 2007.

Gilbert & George - Ten X Comandmends for Gilbert & George, 2007.For their retrospective at the Tate Modern Gallery in London, Gilbert & George marked the event by creating this original poster. Love this edition !!!
I     Thou shalt fight conformism
II    Thou shalt be the messenger of freedoms
III   Thou shalt make use of sex
IV   Thou shalt reinvent life
V     Thou shalt create artificial art
VI   Thou shalt have a sense of purpose
VII  Thou shalt not know exactly what thou dost, but thou shalt do it
VIII Thou shalt give thy love
IX    Thou shalt grab the soul
X     Thou shalt give something back

Medium: Offset on Vélin d'Arches 250 g
Size: 60 x 80 cm
Edition: 99
Signed and numbered
Prix : € 1. 500

This limited edition Gilbert & George print is still available at Editions Jannink here