Wim Wenders, Open Air Screen, 2012.
During a trip to Palermo, Sicily, in 2007, Wenders took several photographs that became part of his "Strange and Quiet Places" series, including Open Air Screen. The image depicts an empty outdoor movie theatre where a crowd of abandoned bright orange chairs is assembled as if they were a conglomeration of spectators. In their accumulation and same orientation, the chairs seem anthropomorphous, attracted by the empty bare stone screen.
Wenders: "There was a monsterous nest of hornets living on the premises, swarming around everywhere. I guess they scared the audience away. And me, too." And yet, the vacuousness of human life simultaneously innervates the space. It transforms it into a surreal theatre of silent reverence: typical of the "Strange and Quiet Places" series, Open Air Screen not only depicts somewhere "strangely quiet", but equally a place "quietly strange".
The work: Still – High-resolution image (PNG), 3000x2427px. is an edition of 1000 starting at €6. Open Air Screen is also part of s[edition]’s dynamic pricing model. As edition availability decreases the price of the work increases. This limited Wim Wenders digital edition is available on s[edition] here