Cecily Brown – The Five Senses

Cecily Brown - The Five Senses (Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch, Sound) - 2023

Cecily Brown - The Five Senses (Smell) - 2023 Cecily Brown - The Five Senses (Sight) - 2023 Cecily Brown - The Five Senses (Taste) - 2023 Cecily Brown - The Five Senses (Sound) - 2023 Cecily Brown - The Five Senses (Touch) - 2023

Cecily Brown's suite of 5 new etchings are in dialogue with The Five Senses, a collaborative series of allegorical paintings made in the early 1600s by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Peter Paul Rubens, and now held in the collection of the Prado Museum in Madrid. Throughout her career, Brown has used the work of old masters as a jumping off point to explore contemporary ideas of sexuality, desire, death and excess.

These new etchings feature the figures of Venus and Cupid exploring sight through numerous Roman busts and paintings; hearing by playing the lyre; smell through the fragrance of lilies, roses, hollyhocks and tulips; and touch through physical contact. In the fifth etching, Venus and Cupid are replaced by a mortal seated before an abundance of food and being poured a large goblet of wine, alluding to human weakness in the face of gluttony.

Medium: 5 etchings
Size: 14 x 20 inches
Edition of 25
Signed and numbered
Price on Request

These Cecily Brown etchings are available at Two Palms