Light Work 50th Anniversary Print Sale – Carrie Mae Weems, Cindy Sherman, Paul Mpagi Sepuya

Light Work 50th Anniversary Print Sale - Carrie Mae Weems, Cindy Sherman, Paul Mpagi Sepuya

For five decades Light Work has been a springboard for artists working in photography and lens based media from all over the world. We are mounting this fundraiser to grow our support for the next generation of artists. Over 200 artists have contributed images for this limited-time sale, most of which have been supported by Light Work over our 50 year history.

All prints are $ 150 , unsigned and printed on 10x12" Canson Platine paper. Image sizes will vary by artist.
These Light work photography's are now available at Light Work

Carrie Mae Weems - Lincoln Memorial - 2015-2016Carrie Mae Weems - Lincoln Memorial - 2015-2016

Cindy Sherman - 5/21/2017 - 2017-2023
Cindy Sherman - 5/21/2017 - 2017-2023









Paul Mpagi Sepuya - Pedestal - 2022

Paul Mpagi Sepuya - Pedestal - 2022