Ai Weiwei – Portrait Banners *EXPIRED*

Ai Weiwei - Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Portrait Banners - 2018   EXPIRED

Ai Weiwei - Portrait BannerseBay, artist and activist Ai Weiwei and leading arts non-profit Public Art Fund are partnering to exclusively release a series of six powerful new works of art on June 20, World Refugee Day. These compelling portraits of immigrants and refugees are a remarkable and timely expression of the artist’s work surrounding this global humanitarian crisis.

The edition will support Public Art Fund’s mission to provide democratic access to contemporary art by today’s most important artists, as well as a catalogue about Ai Weiwei’s recent exhibition. In addition, Public Art Fund will make a donation to USA for UNHCR to support the vital work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as well to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in recognition of their work supporting displaced people.

Ai chose these six portraits from the 200 originally presented as banners on lampposts across New York City in the landmark exhibition Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. His selection represents their historical span, global reach, and emotional power.

Using the same industrial vinyl and laser-cutting technique, the new edition replicates the original banners at half scale: 17” x 48”.
They may be hung directly on the wall, framed, or installed perpendicular to the wall to resemble their installation in the exhibition.
500 of each banner will be available.
The banners may be collected individually at $750 or as a complete series of six for $4,500.

These limited edition Ai Weiwei banners will be available exclusively on eBay from June 20-27, 2018 at 9AM PDT.    EXPIRED

Ai Weiwei - Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Portrait Banners - 2018