Allen Ruppersberg ‘El Segundo Record Club’

Allen Ruppersberg, El Segundo Record ClubAllen Ruppersberg, El Segundo Record Club
El Segundo Record Club follows the mythical tradition of the 1969 Al’s cafe and the 1972 Al’s Grand Hotel, two projects by Allen Ruppersberg which consisted of the opening a fully-functionning café and hotel, the originality coming from the fact that they were run according to rules defined by the artist. The idea here is also that each visitor is invited to come and discover what El Segundo Record Club has in store for him.

Allen Ruppersberg has imagined El Segundo Record Club in accordance with a precise protocol. He has digitalized a part of his personal record collection — records from the 1920's to the year 1995 — which he has copied on blank vintage discs, using an old disc recorder. Each title selected by Allen Ruppersberg has been recorded on several discs, forming series — consisting of 10 to 20 copies. Each one of these records has been slipped into a unique sleeve — different from the title — that was customized by the artist using another vintage record sleeve. Each one is signed, dated and shows the label "El Segundo Record Club".
Each record is thus unique.

In accordance with the artist's wish, the originality of the store is that it is only possible to purchase the records and the posters through a website, set up especially for this project:

El Segundo Record Club is currently on display at mfc-michèle didier gallery, Paris

Allen Ruppersberg, El Segundo Record Club at mfc-michèle didier gallery, Paris