ICI’s Independents Spring Benefit Raffle – Win a Brian Calvin print – Group Thinking

ICI's Independents Spring Benefit Raffle - Win a Brian Calvin Print - Group Thinking

ICI's Annual Independents Spring Benefit Raffle - Win a Brian Calvin Print - Group ThinkingWin a not-yet-released Art for Change print! ‘Group Thinking’ by Brian Calvin is available in the International Curators Annual Independents Spring Benefit Raffle!

$50 - One Raffle Ticket
$100 - 2 Raffle Tickets + 1 FREE
$200 - 4 Raffle tickets + 2 FREE
$500 - 15 Raffle tickets

To purchase a ticket for a chance to win this print visit ICI.

Independent Curators International (ICI) supports the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration and international engagement.