KAWS - Passing Through - 2018 SOLD OUT
Medium: vinyl, paint. Grey, brown, and all-black versions
Open edition
Dimensions and price yet to be confirmed.
Price: $ 200 each
'Tomorrow we are releasing a new 8” tall version of PASSING THROUGH on kawsone.com at noon (Sept. 5th, 12PM EST). It’s an open edition like the recent TOGETHER and BFF figures. What does open edition mean? It means it’s open! I might have made five or I might have made five thousand. If you like it buy it to enjoy but don’t buy it on speculation. Also I hope my site works but it might not. We have had problems in the past releases that we have put a lot of effort into correcting but it’s been a long learning curve adjusting to growth and we are far from having it perfected! So, that said, the release is tomorrow at noon and I hope it’s a smooth and easy experience for anyone inclined to purchase ...'
- via instagram KAWS
'Might not work was an understatement!
It’s not sold out, we just pulled the sale till they fix a few things. Sorry for this to happen again, I can assure you nobody is as frustrated as I am..'
- via instagram KAWS
These KAWS vinyl figures will be available today September 6th at 12:00pm (Noon) NYC-time at Kawsone