Swoon – Dawn and Gemm *SOLD*

Swoon, Dawn and Gemma 19Swoon, Dawn and Gemma, 2014 SOLD OUT

Dawn and Gemma is an intimate portrait of a mother with her newborn child. This image was prominently featured in Swoon's most recent solo show Submerged Motherlands at the Brooklyn Museum. These EV* (edition variants) are created using a variety of found, repurposed, and salvaged materials. They are delicate works and are extremely intricate, featuring screened and block printed elements, fine paper cut-outs, collage and paper layering, in addition to lots of hand painted finishing. This is the fourth Edition Variant release Papermonster have worked on with Swoon and it truly demonstrates her ability to transform a print edition into unique works of art.

*Swoon editions her work with the addition of “EV” denoting “Edition Variant”. This is used to signify that each piece within the edition, while being the same imagery and format, is not identical as with a typical edition. The edition varies from piece to piece with elements such as hand painting, collage, and material, thus each work is completely unique, while existing within the edition. A piece signed 2/10 EV signifies that while the work is unique, only 10 of it’s kind will ever be created.

Dawn and Gemma 19
Medium: Screenprint on tracing paper, hand painted acrylics, paper cutouts on wood.
Dimensions: 46 x 28 x 1/4 Inches
Edition Variant of 40
Signed, Swoon 2014
Pricing: TBD

To be released today, Thursday September 18th at around 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time at Papermonster