Idris Khan – After Twombly … One Evening

Idris Khan, After Twombly…One Evening, 2012.

Idris Khan, After Twombly…One Evening, 2012. s[edition] have announced their latest artist launch – Idris Khan. The Britsh artist has teamed up with s[edition], the world’s leading platform for digital limited editions, with his latest work After Twombly…One Evening.

The work is an edition of 1000 starting at £10. After Twombly… One Evening is also part of s[edition]’s dynamic pricing model. As edition availability decreases the price of the work increases.

This limited Idris Khan edition is available on s[edition]

In After Twombly… One Evening, Idris Khan references one of his greatest influences: Cy Twombly. From the late painter’s canvas to the words of a nearly illegible poem connected to Twombly, Khan’s work is a true homage to the recognizable calligraphy style of one of the most revered contemporary American painters of the 20th Century. After Twombly… One Evening is a digital chalk drawing that plays with surface and texture as it subtly self-alters in continuous hazy clouds. The changing dust patterns prevent the viewer from reading the entirety of the poem, as if the words conceal the work's hidden meaning. While connecting the viewer with a celebratory painting that comes to life before their eyes, the work simultaneously evokes the sombre reality of Twombly’s recent death in 2011.

Khan said the following about his inspiration for the work:
'I wanted to capture every part of the process of making this photograph. So that when my final composition was made it included every trace and erasure of that trace whilst trying to create an unreadable language. I wanted the writing to become free and live beyond the word that it started at. What is captured in the video is the duration of the writing and the duration of the removal.'

Idris Khan is also featured in the November edition of Vanity Fair as part of a larger article on s[edition].