Tom Sachs – New Editions: Kelly Bag, Noguchi Lamp

Tom Sachs / Noguchi - Lunar Excursion Module Lamp - 2020

Tom Sachs / Noguchi - Lunar Excursion Module Lamp - 2020NASA is the best funded craft industry in our solar system. The Lunar Excursion Module Lamp combines the work of two artists (Noguchi and Sachs) for whom cottage-industrial design, seat-of-the-pants engineering, and the co-option of mass producing systems for artmaking are important techniques.

Sachs’ incorporation of Noguchi’s Akari XP1 - The most succinct statement of Noguchi’s aspirations for light sculpture: biomorphic, asymmetric, freeform -suggests one possible future path for the development of spacecraft. Akari, not coincidentally, already shares a lot in common structurally with aerospace engineering: lightweight skins stretched over strong, resilient lightweight frames.”

-Dakin Hart, Chief Curator at The Noguchi Museum

Akari XP1 with Lunar Module drawing by Tom Sachs. Screen printed by LQQK Studio in Brooklyn, NY. Authorized by The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum.

Medium: Handmade washi paper, bamboo, screen printed image, ribbing, electrical components
Size: 15 x 8.6 x 8.6 inches
Edition of 100 + 10 AP
Price: $ 1,500

Tom Sachs - Kelly Bag - 2020

Tom Sachs - Kelly Bag - 2020Medium: Klein Tools Model #5102-12, synthetic polymer paint, steel hardware
Size: 12 x 16.5 x 6.75 inches
Edition of 100 + 10 AP
Signed and numbered
Price: $ 5,000

These limited edition Tom Sachs works are available at the Tom Sachs store